
Cost of solidworks certification
Cost of solidworks certification

cost of solidworks certification

Subscription Services members have free access to testing and certification for both the Certified SolidWorks Associate and Certified SolidWorks Professional credentials. A few minutes of self-directed learning can improve your productivity over an entire career.

cost of solidworks certification

Open only to Subscription Services members, the Knowledge Base is a frequently-updated repository of technical articles, Help Topics, Tech Tips, Best Practices, Solutions, and Macros, all written and reviewed by SolidWorks experts and delivered on-demand by a powerful search engine. In addition to live support, subscribers get full access to the SolidWorks Knowledge Base, an expansive Web-based library of in-depth information and resources. Being a subscription Services member entitles you to all Upgrades, new versions, special releases, add-on features, webcasts that help to improve your performance and productivity, keeping you competitive in your field. The three year term being more cost effective and you are ensured on the prices and all subscription benefits for the next three years. Subscription service can be entailed for One year or an Upfront Three year term. You can even talk to the Software OEM experts who can help you to get over your issues in software usage. To enhance your investment in the software, you get comprehensive support to help you through any challenge in software usage.

Cost of solidworks certification