Once it is defeated, it reveals yet another transformation.

After Jin destroys this, it is revealed that he has unwittingly broken the seal containing Ogre. In the deeper ruins, Jin encounters a giant contraption that uses a large white orb to attack. Ogre flees to a deeper part of the ruins with Jin in hot pursuit. In the ruins of an ancient temple beneath the labs, Jin battles Ogre once again. When Jin travels to their labs, he finds no trace of his mother but, instead, discovers that G Corporation has either resurrected Ogre or cloned it. After Jin leaves Hon-Maru, where he had been kidnapped by Heihachi, he hears rumors that his mother, Jun, is still alive at G Corporation. The plot details events that occur during the two month period between Tekken 4 and Tekken 5. Tekken 5 Devil Within Main article: Devil Within (Mode) Jin emerges victorious and Ogre is defeated and killed. Ogre confronts Jin and they clash in battle. However, unknown to Paul and after he has left, Ogre morphs into its true form by absorbing Heihachi Mishima's power and the tournament continues. Ogre shows up to the third Iron Fist Tournament and is defeated by Paul Phoenix. It wanders the earth in search of strong souls. It understands entire structures of all living and artificial beings, and absorbs them. The legend of Native Americans says the Ogre was the war weapon which creatures from outerspace left on earth in ancient time. True Ogre has no outfits as such instead, its colors vary between "outfits" and there are slight alterations to its appearance. Also, in this form, the area surrounding it will dim to an eerie pitch black (in Tekken 3), or extremely dark (in the arcade version of Tekken Tag Tournament). All of the jewelry Ogre wore in its previous form disappear, save for one leg armlet.

In this incarnation, it resembles more a demon than a human, with a large frame, dark brown fur, a monstrous face, a tail, wings, horns and snakes in place of a right arm. Ogre's second form stands not much taller than its first, but is hunched over to an extent.