
Top 100 young model sites
Top 100 young model sites

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization focuses on everything from teacher training to helping improve education worldwide to protecting important historical and cultural sites around the world.

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Through our work, we protect and support everyone's fundamental right to communicate UNESCO Headquarters: Paris, France It is committed to connecting all the world's people – wherever they live and whatever their means. The International Telecommunication Union is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies.

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The International Maritime Organization has created a comprehensive shipping regulatory framework, addressing safety and environmental concerns, legal matters, technical cooperation, security, and efficiency. The IMF currently has $28 billion in outstanding loans to 74 nations. The International Monetary Fund fosters economic growth and employment by providing temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment and technical assistance. The International Labor Organization promotes international labor rights by formulating international standards on the freedom to associate, collective bargaining, the abolition of forced labor, and equality of opportunity and treatment. The International Fund for Agricultural Development, since it was created in 1977, has focused exclusively on rural poverty reduction, working with poor rural populations in developing countries to eliminate poverty, hunger and malnutrition raise their productivity and incomes and improve the quality of their lives.

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The International Civil Aviation Organization develops standards for global air transport and assists its 192 Member States in sharing the world’s skies to their socio-economic benefit. It is both a forum for negotiating agreements between developing and developed countries and a source of technical knowledge and information to aid development. The Food and Agriculture Organization leads international efforts to fight hunger.

Top 100 young model sites